For this 6 week simulated rotation, I’ve made up a schedule for you to follow.
If you prefer, you can bypass the schedule and go directly to the interactions that interest you. But I think you will miss out on some of the sequential training that is built into the daily schedule. For some topics, it’s better to start off simple and then move to the complex.
Another reason for following the schedule is that there is a large amount of material to learn. This learning is best if it is spread out over many days and weeks. The schedule will maintain a light but steady pace, insuring you’ll easily cover all of the material by the end of the rotation.
Week 1 Monday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
Introduction to Obstetrics & Gynecology
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 1 Tuesday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Clinical Breast Exam – Vertical Strip
Week 1 Wednesday
Teaching Rounds
Six Life Threatening Obstetrical Emergencies
Afternoon Lectures
Medical Problems in Pregnancy: Anemia
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 1 Thursday
Teaching Rounds
Trauma and Surgery during Pregnancy
Afternoon Lectures
Medical Problems in Pregnancy: Diabetes
OBGYN Skills Lab
Fitting a Contraceptive Diaphragm
Week 1 Friday
Teaching Rounds
Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section (VBAC)
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 2 Monday
Teaching Rounds
Inadequate Postoperative Pain Control
Afternoon Lectures
Fixing Birth Control Pill Problems
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 2 Tuesday
Teaching Rounds
Mild Pre-Eclampsia at 27 Weeks
Mild Pre-Eclampsia at 38 Weeks
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 2 Wednesday
Teaching Rounds
Motor Vehicle Accident and Placental Abruption
Non-reassuring Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 2 Thursday
Teaching Rounds
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 2 Friday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 3 Monday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 3 Tuesday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 3 Wednesday
Teaching Rounds
Severe Pre-eclampsia at 28 Weeks
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 3 Thursday
Teaching Rounds
Twins with Abnormal Doppler Flow
Afternoon Lectures
What does the Uterus do All Day Long?
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 3 Friday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 4 Monday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
Medical Problems in Pregnancy: Renal Disease
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 4 Tuesday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
Medical Problems in Pregnancy: Pulmonary Disease
OBGYN Skills Lab
Testing Stool for Occult Blood
Week 4 Wednesday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 4 Thursday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Clamping and Cutting the Umbilical Cord
Week 4 Friday
Teaching Rounds
Heavy Periods on Birth Control Pills
Afternoon Lectures
Non-Dysplastic Abnormal Pap Smears
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 5 Monday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Suctioning the Newborn with a Bulb Syringe
Umbilical Cord Around the Neck
Week 5 Tuesday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Using a Contraceptive Diaphragm
Week 5 Wednesday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
Medical Problems in Pregnancy: Thyroid Disease
OBGYN Skills Lab
Avoiding Breast Self Exam Errors
Week 5 Thursday
Teaching Rounds
Premenstrual Dysphoria Disorder (PMDD)
Afternoon Lectures
Second and Third Trimester Bleeding
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 5 Friday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Testing Urine for Protein and Glucose
Week 6 Monday
Teaching Rounds
Slip and Fall at 10 Weeks Gestation
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 6 Tuesday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 6 Wednesday
Teaching Rounds
Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation with Fallope Rings
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Clinical Breast Exam – Circle of Circles
Week 6 Thursday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab
Week 6 Friday
Teaching Rounds
Afternoon Lectures
OBGYN Skills Lab